
Updated 03/06/2021
Due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, please look out for the latest updates on our website. We will also send out emails and text messages frequently to keep you updated..

Dear family members of our residents,

In compliance with the latest government requirements, starting from June 5th Saturday (inclusive), we have to suspend all face to face visits till further notice. If you have an existing booking to visit on or after 5th June, we apologise that you will not be able to visit.

We will provide more updates as soon as possible.

Thank you for helping keep our residents safe.   

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Phooi Ling or Galye at [email protected] for any assistance.

Dear family members of our residents,

1. Reduction to two designated visitors but only 1 designated visitor allowed per resident at any one time
In compliance with the latest government requirements, starting from 18 May 2021 (Tuesday), each resident can have 2 designated visitors down from the previous 4 designated visitors but only 1 designated visitor is allowed per resident at any one time. Each visit will also be limited to 30 minutes each time.

Please kindly fill in a new “Nominate Designated Visitor” form for us to know who the two designated visitors are by clicking the link below. Kindly fill in this form as soon as possible and before your next visit:

For existing bookings already made for the removed designated visitors, please assist us by cancelling the slot by emailing us at [email protected] or by replying to the confirmation email received. Alternatively, the remaining two designated visitors may also choose to attend that slot instead of cancelling the slot.

Video chats via Whatsapp are still available and we will recommend the use of video chats over F2F visits for those who are not able to visit.
Book a video chat at

We will also temporarily suspend the consumption of food for resident and/or visitor during F2F visit. Food can be consumed when the residents return to their rooms.

2. Updated restrictions on visitors to TLR

Persons who have been

  1. o notified by MOH that you have been deemed a close contact of a COVID-19 case and asked to go for a COVID-19 swab test or;
  2. o placed on Stay-Home Notice (SHN), Quarantine Order (QO), phone surveillance (PUPS) or on medical leave (MC)

within the last 14 days will not be allowed into TLR

3. Suspension of Home Leave
Home leave will be temporarily suspended to mitigate the risk of importing infections into TLR.
Thank you for helping keep our residents safe.